Dark Age of Camelot Screenshots

In my various travels around Dark Age of Camelot, I run into any number of odd things and I generally tend to take little screenshots of them. Presented below are interesting segments of those screenshots. Most of them are not thumbnails, but in the case where a full-sized version of the picture is really quite huge, there will be thumbnail images linked to the full-sized image.

Kilbaniar, elven eldritch on Hibernia/Morgan la Fay

The first shot isn't that impressive, but It scared the hell out of me when I can across it. I was hunting rock sheerie in the Cliffs of Moher, and after resting, I crested the hill to pull a new sheerie. That's when I saw the biggest rock sheerie I had ever seen. I got so scared, I just turned around and ran to the nearest stable master to catch a ride back to civilization.

This next one is a pretty typical example of the odd effects that happen when the models in DAoC try to sit down. I'm sure everyone who has played the game for any amount of time has seen this kind of thing, but I think it's cute, so here it is. Note how my cloak is wafting out gently behind me, and the perfectly circular shadow underneath my feet.

This is another "sitting bug" type image, but once again, I found it somewhat cute to see a pair of feet & hands sticking disembodied out from a wall.

Next is a pair if interesting horse pictures. The first picture is from my very early days of playing, and of course it drew up various lewd images in my mind.

And this is something you actually see quite often, but not usually for long enough to take a picture of it. For whatever rason though, I found this guy who was actually quite "stuck" like this, so I snapped a shot.

The next three thumbnails link to full-sized images of my experience of the vanishing of a large portion of Tir na nÓg. I was running around town doing consignments, and then suddenly I turned a corner and found a gaping hole where the city used to be. I tried to go around the other way, but found that the other side of the city was missing too. I think the comments that went by on the broadcast channel were pretty funny also.

Another interesting effect that you see from time to time as you wander the city is the effect of the Wire Frame Guys. I think this happens sometimes when someone has gone linkdead, since they usually vanish shortly after becoming so wirey. This picture shows what they look like before disappearing.

And, keeping in the theme of graphical errors, here are two shots of some bizarre graphics anomoly that I ran in to the other night. I've never seen anything like this, before or since. See for yourself.

Here's a picture from the battleground. One of my erstwhile companions was rudely felled by an emeny sniper, and his death took him by such a shock that instead of simply falling in the ground, he thrust his fist through the stone of the bridge and held his body out at an angle. That showed 'em!

While travelling the land, I came upon a friendly druid who had a friendly wolf as a pet. This wolf was very big. Friendly, but still big.

As it part of the life of a crafter, I spend a lot of time in Innis Carthaig. It's a very convenient place to buy materials and get access to the various tools of the trade, as it were. Another perk of spending time in Innis is the interesting people you get to meet. In this case, a young lady and her "handbag".

And as we know, too much crafting can lead to silly behaviors.

Here is just a simple picture of Kilbaniar riding a horse. I thinks he cuts quite a dashing figure, don't you?

This one is an interesting story. I'm in Mag Mell, buying a ticket, probably on my way to Howth. I hand the ticket to the stable master, and things go still for a second, like usual. My surroundings blink, and I found myself... Inside the hill outside of TNN! I had a nice side-view into the zone tunnel, and I could watch people running in and out of the city. Eventually I just ran out into the tunnel without any problem. I had some more interesting shots, but they were lost due to a PBKAC. :(

Here is a nice picture of my corpse, staring dead-eyed into the camera, with the grandeur of a hibernian keep in the background.

Connecticut, highlander cleric on Albion/Gawaine

As a newbie to Albion, I really enjoyed some of the introductory quests that you find there. In Hibernia, the newbie quests are dull and lifeless. In Albion, you get to see the guards slaughter a horde of helpless bandits. It's awesome.

And this is yet another reason why Albion is just cooler than Hibernia. Out in the middle of nowhere, there's a guard who is also a merchant. It's convenient to have, so you don't have to run back to town to sell a few trinkets. But that's not all! He also has a clever story explaining why he's a merchant, and he has some funny items in his own inventory. Why can't there be anything like this in Hibernia?

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